Oz, thank you! 

9 hours layover at LAX airport.

Enough time to thank Australia and all the people I met there.

Merci, merci, merci! 🙂

My last days were bittersweet. Between trying not to think about my flight back home and enjoying my last days, I met wonderful people from all around the world ( shout out to my Fraser Island friends!)

“Qui a l’habitude de voyager… sait qu’il arrive toujours un moment où il faut partir.” -Paolo Coelho

Everything has an end. We all know it but it doesn’t mean it that we get use to it.

Going across the globe to Australia was planned. But travelling all over Australia for 6 weeks, that wasn’t. The plan to stay 4 months and work, it sounded appealing but being there and not being able to explore the country was just wrong for me.

So one Sunday afternoon,  I went to Backpackers world travel in surfers paradise, booked some stuffs and it was settle.

I was on my first domestic flight to Cairns, then to Sydney, taking the bus to Canberra and Melbourne, going on the Great ocean road and the Grampians to Adelaide, flying back to Brisbane to take the bus to Rainbow beach for the Fraser Island tour and back to Hervey Bay before heading back to Brisbane to finally take my flight back to Montreal.

During that time, so many laughter were heard in surfers paradise (thanks for the little reality shows amanda 💇💅and the wise advices from carmen) some coconuts were open by hand and free sparkling wine was given, then 3 cool-people-haters met in Sydney, Canberra wasn’t that boring with the spa/pool session, it rained in Melbourne but I got to feed the wallabies and see the little penguins, had an all girls wonderful Great ocean road tour and told 2 girls from the uk that they should do stand-up comedy, fell in love with Adelaide even though I got a flat tire while cycling and never got serve food at a restaurant, met the nicest group of people on Fraser Island ( almost cry when 3 of us had to leave before the others) and got the bus filled with sand and finally tried to catch a glimps of Brisbane with the little time I had there!( kangaroo point and the south bank parklands are pretty awesome!)

Then not counting how many times I got lost and that, at the same moment, my cellphone died.

Not counting how many times I made some bad decisions.

And finally, not counting all the epic adventures and weird events that happen to me.

All of it was crazy fun!

Before i left home in may, I liked the idea of travelling alone but I never really experience it like this (South Africa was different). When I catch myself thinking about it, I can’t believe I really did it. And that now, I am on my way back home. That it’s all done and over.

This year,  I turned 20. My friends know how bad I didn’t want to change decades. Why? I felt like I didn’t do all the things I wanted to do before I turn 20. I didn’t know where my place was in this big world( I still don’t know 😛).   But travelling made me realize that I was still young at 20. That I did not so bad because not a lot of 20 years old girl decide to leave home and travel alone.

So, if you are thinking of packing and travelling alone, I say do it now 🙂

It is scary at the beginning but then it is the most amazing feeling of freedom. It may sound selfish but I liked taking decision on my own and for myself only.

I had some bad days, I am not going to lie. But the good times were worth the little bad days.

Anyway, I just want to say thank you to all the crazy nice kindhearted weird loner generous lost funny intelligent well-spoken people that I met on this crazy adventure.

Thank you, Australia, for having me for 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks went by so fast.

Sometimes, I do wonder what would have happen if I stayed for 4 months and worked, but I wouldn’t change my decision because I wouldn’t have had those 6 incredible weeks and i wouldn’t have met all the these people!

Merci encore!


-Tiff ☀️

(Ceci était le dernier post sur mon aventure en Australie, j’espère repartir très bientôt, mais là c’est le retour à la réalité! Je commence ma job d’été samedi…il faut bien que l’argent vienne de quelque part pour voyager 😁✈️!)


Last picture taken in Australia 4 hours before my flight home.


Sunrise 3 hours before landing in montreal.


7 thoughts on “Oz, thank you! 

  1. Olivia says:

    Super beau, Tiff! I feel your sorrow. J’ai voyagé pour la première fois seule cette été, malgré que ce n’était que pour 5 jours. C’est vrai que moi non plus je ne voulais pas avoir 20 ans. J’ai toujours l’impression de ne rien avoir accompli ou de ne pas avoir assez vécu. Finalement je me suis rendu compte que c’est cette attitude qui me nuit. Vaut mieux faire comme toi, saisir ce qu’on veut et partir à l’aventure. Je t’en souhaite plein d’autres, des voyages comme ça!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Il faut toujours commencer quelque part! Moi, la première fois que j’ai pris l’avion seule c’était pour aller en Afrique du Sud pour 3 semaines, mais c’était très encadré, j’étais dans d’une famille d’accueil, mais je partais seule, cette fois-ci c’était complément différent! J’étais vraiment seule 😛


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